Atomizer Monitoring System

FORM AMS-001 07/16 Atomizer Monitoring System Implementation of a web-based Atomizer Monitoring System that includes electronic disassembly and assembly procedures through the use of rugged tablet computers will assist in the transfer from Breakdown Maintenance (BM) and Critical Maintenance (CM) to a more manageable Predictive Maintenance (PM). From the information gathered one will have an accountability of procedures and staff, the ability to track histories from individual reactors down to each atomizer component, and the capacity to calculate the real costs of all components. Implementing this technology will transfer the knowledge from an aging workforce into electronic form, which will be beneficial for the next generation workforce. The use of the standardized procedures and the information gathered from wireless sensors on each atomizer will become the standard tracking method and eliminate paperwork, regardless of personnel. The associated logging and organization of data will provide real-time at-a- glance atomizer component status. Patent Pending Inventory Management System Real-time Monitoring and Data Collection Standardized Procedure Repository Please contact Shawn Veurink at 800-348-4RPM(4776) at extension 313 for a demonstration, site evaluation, and quote.