Atomizer Wheel Maintenance. Simple Steps.
Typical process includes …
- Customer removes atomizer wheel from atomizer shaft
- Customer ships atomizer wheel to RPM Solutions
- RPM Solutions receives atomizer wheel, disassembles, bead blasts, and inspects
- RPM Solutions provides customer with detailed report and pricing for the repairs of the atomizer wheel.
- The atomizer wheel is assembled with the new and used required components recorded with RPM Solutions’ Atomizer Monitoring System. The monitoring system creates consistency and uniformity of the process of assembling the atomizer wheel. The monitoring system generates a report detailing the parts used, parts retired, and each assembly step time stamped by maintenance personnel performed.
- The atomizer wheel is then balanced as an assembly
- A balance report is generated
- All fasteners of the atomizer wheel are tightened to the proper torque
- Then atomizer wheel is packaged and returned to the customer ready for service.
- RPM Solutions utilizes the patented Atomizer Monitoring System to track the hours of each atomizer wheel. RPM Solutions and the customer make fact-based decisions to decide the length of operating time for each atomizer wheel. With the use of the web-based Atomizer Monitoring System, the system tracks the dynamic operating time. When the scheduled runtime of the atomizer wheel nears the end, the system automatically sends an e-mail or text alerting the customer when to remove the wheel from service.